Friday, January 18, 2008

Siddhartha. #3 - Hye Ji Yang

From the moment we are born, we all take different paths of life. Yet, our lives all take us to experience suffering and happiness. Unconsciously, the learning of those experiences is making us into new people everyday. Spiritual Enlightenment, Nirvana, achieving total peace of mind, can be achieved by every single person in every different way. It is us who choose our own path.
In Siddhartha, Govinda, Gotaman, Vasudeva, and Siddhartha are all born differently. However, they all achieve enlightenment at the end consciously or unconsciously. The enlightenment they achieved is the one, same thing. They felt the true enlightenment by their hearts, not through their head. Again, they felt it with their hearts. As Siddhartha questions the leading of Gotama towards the enlightenment, one would never be able to achieve enlightenment indirectly.
Siddhartha, Gotama and Govinda actually sought for enlightenment. They gave up many things that are futile to their goals. Siddhartha leaves family at first, and also leaves his love, Kamala. They forced and led themselves to achieve enlightenment. Siddhartha experienced and tried many things to find the total peace. Through them, he finally achieves the enlightenment.
However, Vasudeva is unconsciously enlightened by the surroundings. He neither gave up his former life nor forced himself to achieve enlightenment. He just learned so many things from the river. Through the time he spent on the river, he was feeling the river simply and deeply. Through river, he gains total peace.
Whichever way we go, we can learn from everything. The enlightenment can be achieved in everywhere, only if we truly feel and learn it through our heart.

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