These images display disregard for the spiritual importance of the zen gardens and yoga to eastern oriented religions. Rock gardens are strongly tied to Zen meditation and this picture changes something holy into a litter box. Also, while yoga is often seen solely as a form of exercise, it's going a bit far to use something that has religous meaning to many as a vodka ad.
I agree with Margaret's opinion that ads for some western commercial products abuse the meaning and importance of eastern religions. Especially in magazines, it is easy to come across something sacred used as a part of funny ads. Those people who make ads should be more considerate of others' religions.
I also agree with what Margaret has said about these two adds. I think it is ignorant and rude to advertise a vodka in such a way. I don't think that the advertisers realized how controversial their advertisement was. I never would have thought of this to be offending or controversial if I had come along it in a magazine if we were not studying this topic. It just goes to show that one never knows how someone else is going to take something one says or does, and that there are different ways of interpreting everything.
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